January 1, 2000 - Like the new look? It took a long time. Mostly
because Carlena was just being lazy. But hey, it was the holidays. That's what your sopose to do. Sim Magazine
is proud to let you know that we have the staff page up with a new staff member on it. Go there and check it out.
Plus we have new articles (inside look on the sim's actions) and we also have some really cool skins for the
kids and their parties in 2001.
December 7, 2000 - Wow! Welcome to Sim Magazine. This site is brand new. Carlena just decided one day to make a site and since she does not have any talents like skins, walls, objects, floors, ect...(except for HTMl)... She decided to make a magazine and here it is. Enjoy! Happy Holidays too!